Please find below a selection of publications and papers from the AELIUS Team:

Mata, C. and Lara, X. “Opportunities for Chinese Developers, Technology Providers, and Construction Companies in the Spanish and Greek CSP Markets”, 2022, CSP Focus China, Beijing, China
Mata, C. and Lara, X. "How to reduce the LCoA of green NH3 with hybrid CSP-PV plants", 2021, Ammonia Energy Conference, Boston, USA
Guedez, R.; Lara, X. et al., “Flexible Retrofitted Sustainable Coal plants by integration of Electrically Heated Thermal Energy”, 2019, European Commission Horizon 2020, Brussels, Belgium
Lara, X., “Solar Field Cleaning, the key for the success of the Production Model”, 2019, CSP Focus China, Beijing, China
Lara, X., “Central receiver design improvements and heliostat control system optimization in CSP tower Plants”, 2018, CSP Focus Innovation, Xi´an, China
Lara, X., “Roadmap to reduce solar CSP LCOE under 0.07 USD/kWh”, 2018, CSP Focus, Beijing, China
Lara, X., “How to fix technical and engineering problems during the Construction, Commissioning and O&M of CSP Plants”, 2017, CSP Focus, Beijing, China
Lara X., “Roadmap to reduce solar CSP LCOE under 0.08 USD/kWh by optimizing the CSP Technology”, 2016, CSP Today, Seville, Spain
Lara, X. “How to solve technical and engineering problems during the development of international CSP Projects”, 2016, Chinese CSP Leaders Summit, Dunhuang, China
Lara, X., “What we can learn from MENA´s Solar Power Strategy”, 2016, CSP Focus Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Lara X., “Gravitational collapse of Supernovaes, from Neutron Stars to Black Holes. Support to the Hawking´s Radiation”, 2015, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK