Please find below a selection of publications and papers from the AELIUS Team:
Mata, C. and Lara, X. “Opportunities for Chinese Developers, Technology Providers, and Construction Companies in the Spanish and Greek CSP Markets”, 2022, CSP Focus China, Beijing, China |
Mata, C. and Lara, X. "How to reduce the LCoA of green NH3 with hybrid CSP-PV plants", 2021, Ammonia Energy Conference, Boston, USA |
Guedez, R.; Lara, X. et al., “Flexible Retrofitted Sustainable Coal plants by integration of Electrically Heated Thermal Energy”, 2019, European Commission Horizon 2020, Brussels, Belgium |
Lara, X., “Solar Field Cleaning, the key for the success of the Production Model”, 2019, CSP Focus China, Beijing, China |
Lara, X., “Central receiver design improvements and heliostat control system optimization in CSP tower Plants”, 2018, CSP Focus Innovation, Xi´an, China |
Lara, X., “Roadmap to reduce solar CSP LCOE under 0.07 USD/kWh”, 2018, CSP Focus, Beijing, China |
Lara, X., “How to fix technical and engineering problems during the Construction, Commissioning and O&M of CSP Plants”, 2017, CSP Focus, Beijing, China |
Lara X., “Roadmap to reduce solar CSP LCOE under 0.08 USD/kWh by optimizing the CSP Technology”, 2016, CSP Today, Seville, Spain |
Lara, X. “How to solve technical and engineering problems during the development of international CSP Projects”, 2016, Chinese CSP Leaders Summit, Dunhuang, China |
Lara, X., “What we can learn from MENA´s Solar Power Strategy”, 2016, CSP Focus Madrid, Madrid, Spain |
Lara X., “Gravitational collapse of Supernovaes, from Neutron Stars to Black Holes. Support to the Hawking´s Radiation”, 2015, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK |